You have probably already heard of ChatGPT, but did you know that you can also use it for learning and practicing German? In this article, I will give you some examples of what is possible. For all of them, I am using the free version 3.5. Enjoy!
Have you stumbled upon a new word whose meaning is a bit hard to get? Just ask ChatGPT to explain it to you and to give you example sentences.
My prompt
Please explain the German word "Aufenthaltsgenehmigung" to me.
ChatGPT's anwer
ChatGPT can also explain the difference between words to you. This is particularly useful for the German verbs with prefixes! You can ask it to give explanations in German or in any other language.
My prompt
Explain the difference between "aufwachen" und "erwachen".
ChatGPT's answer
Give ChatGPT a text and ask it to extract any difficult words from it and give them to you in a list, along with your native language, with or without example sentences.
My prompt
I found this text on and it's a bit difficult. Please extract any difficult words and give them to me in a list, along with an English translation. Here is the text: "Ampel lädt Bauernverbände zu Gesprächen ein. Die Ampel-Fraktionschefs haben die Bauernverbände am kommenden Montag zu einem Gespräch eingeladen. Während die Landwirte die Proteste heute fortsetzen, kommt aus Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ein Vorschlag zur Konfliktlösung."
Chat GPT's answer
Or you can ask it to translate the whole text.
My prompt
Please translate the text into English.
ChatGPT's anwer
Are you preparing for a conversation session about a specific topic? Just ask ChatGPT to give you some vocabulary.
My prompt
I am learning Germand and I will have a conversation session about the topic "Wintersport". Please give me a list of words I can use.
ChatGPT's answer
And then try: "Give them to me in a table format." :)
You can try to ask ChatGPT to explain a grammar rule to you. However, I recommend only using it to confirm what you already know. For the purpose of this article, I asked it to explain the "Infinitiv mit zu" and "Wechselpräpositionen", and there were mistakes in both...
Careful, ChatGPT can make mistakes!

Of course, modal verbs are followed by an infinitive without "zu". The explanation is wrong - but the example sentence is without "zu" and correct.
Chat in German
You can actually have a conversation with ChatGPT.

Texts and stories
Give it some key words and ask it to write a story.
My prompt
Write a short and simple story with the words: Termin, Verabredung, Vorschlag, Picknick, Botschaft (embassy), Abgemacht!, In Ordnung! [Side note - all these words are from lesson day 85, "Termine finden - Finding appointments"]
ChatGPT's answer
My additional request
ChatGPT's answer
It is particularly funny if you ask it to use your name and give it some context.
My prompt
Write a short story in simple German in the present tense about Juliane who is an online German teacher and about her students who are using her video course all over the world.
ChatGPT's answer
Sentences and emails
Do you have to write an email in German? You can ask ChatGPT to check it for mistakes or rephrase sentences you wrote.
My prompt
Please improve this email: "Liebe Anna, ich kann heute nicht zum Unterricht kommen. Mein Sohn ist krank... Viele grüße, Paul"
ChatGPT's answer
My additional request
ChatGPT's answer
My next additional request
ChatGPT's answer
Image descriptions
If you have version 4, you can upload pictures and ask it to describe them.
My prompt

Please describe this picture in simple German.
ChatGPT's answer
For example: Ask it to think of an object or concept and you need to guess what it is by asking up to 20 yes-or-no questions - or play it the other way around. It's a great way to practice asking questions and to learn more vocabulary.
My prompt
Let's play a game: Think of an object or concept and I need to guess what it is by asking up to 20 yes-or-no questions, in German.
ChatGPT's answer and the exchange
Speaking and writing prompts
Whenever you would like to practice speaking and writing, but are not sure what to talk or write about, ask ChatGPT to give you a list of prompts.
My prompt
Give me some speaking prompts in German.
ChatGPT's answer
To summarize, ChatGPT is an excellent tool for learning languages. You need to be aware that it can occasionally make mistakes, but overall, the benefits of using ChatGPT for language learning are pretty incredible. 😉
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➡️ Can you think of any other ways that ChatGPT can help you learn German?